It’s no secret that cyber security is becoming a larger issue these days. It seems like we keep seeing major stories about even the biggest companies suffering from data breaches. So it’s no surprise that as tech becomes more advanced and as people live more of their lives online, companies are looking for IT support experts that can help with their cyber security needs. We have some experience in this field here at CRG, so here are some of our top tips on how to improve your cyber security.
Invest in Skilled Partners
This is one area where working with a provider of managed IT services could help you. In this scenario, you don’t build out your own IT team. Instead you rely on an outside company that already employs a number of IT experts that can keep your systems up and running. An outside provider of IT support will leverage the latest tech and the best cyber security defenses. You don’t have to worry as much because your critical IT infrastructure is being protected by people who know what they’re doing.
Train Employees
That being said, even a company that opts for managed IT services still needs to train their employees well. A data breach can come about due to a simple, yet costly, mistake of one of your employees. Make sure that your employees know how to prioritize data protection and safe practices. Teach your whole staff about cyber security and how they can help keep your business more secure. Test them to make sure they won’t fall for phishing scams or other common methods of bypassing your security protocols.
Make a Comprehensive Continuity Plan
In case a breach does happen, you need to be able to react. You need a thorough business continuity plan that can help you get back to normal operation quickly after a cyber attack. You want to make sure that critical data is backed up and that you’re ready to respond to this breach on all levels, including the public relations front. Anything that can get your business back up and running while helping you move past this attack should be a part of this plan. Again, a provider of managed IT services will likely be able to help you with this.
Cyber Security Isn’t Just Cyber
Upgrading your anti-virus software and setting up a firewall is a great way to give your systems digital protection, but what about physical protection? One aspect of cyber security that could be overlooked is physical security. Is your equipment kept in locked, secured rooms? Are sensitive documents lying out for anyone who would like to look at them? Worse yet, are crucial passwords written down and out in the open? Taking care of these “physical” risks can help you better fight cyber ones.
Have Password and Security Policies
After cyber security training, make sure that employees also have some simple password and security policies to follow. Limit employee access to sensitive data, ensure that workers are setting secure passwords, and make sure they’re changing them on a routine basis. Well-educated employees and comprehensive policies, along with our other suggestions, can help you beef up your cyber security.