The Predictive Index©
CRG helps Companies and Organizations grow by aligning their Business Strategy, Improve their Culture, Empower their Employees, and Hire the Right People.
CRG is a PI Certified Partner inspiring business leaders to understand their people strategy through PI’s products and services. We help organizations make data-driven people decisions to achieve better results, offering a complete talent optimization platform, not just an assessment.
Companies with Optimized Talent Strategies in place strategically outperform other companies.
- When companies implement Talent Optimization practices, their overall business strategy success rate increases by almost 90%.
- Talent Optimized companies have 34% higher employee performance and a 30% lower turnover rate among their top performers.
- Companies lose millions each year due to the four forces of disengagement
- Mismatch between your employees and their roles/jobs
- Manager/Employee relationships
- Culture issues
- Team Dynamic Issues